DIY Bird Control in Glendale AZ

Pigeon Control In Glendale AZ


Some folks call pigeons 'sky rats' - and for good reason. They are just plain nasty! The defecate constantly and actually nest on their own dead - and in their feces! It's common to find rotting carcasses, insects, bird mites and who knows what else where pigeons nest. Not a good visual!

Pigon control Glendale AZhas become an absolute must for many home and business owners in the Glendale Arizona area. The feral pigeon population has exploded over the past several years and shows no signs of slowing down. The problem isn't really with the pigeons themselves, though they do make some pretty awful noises. The real problem is with their poop. There's so much of it! And it just keeps coming.

There are several problems that pigeons cause, such as:

  • Their feces clogs up roof drainage, causing water to backup into places that the roof is not designed to handle.
  • Their feces also discolors roofing tiles and shingles and eventually degrades them.
  • It turns into a fine powder over time and then is breathed in by whomever inhabits the structure.
  • That dried feces harbors several different diseases, which can be transmitted to whomever breathes it.
  • Believe it of not, pigeons are attracted back to the scent of their mother's feces - for life!
  • The longer a pigeon population is allowed to live in any location, the larger the population becomes and the more committed the pigeons are to that location.

Simply put: the sooner you eradicate a pigeon problem, the easier and cheaper it will be. Why wait - the quote is free and the work is guaranteed. Reach out today!

DIY Bird Control
in Glendale AZ

Bird Control In
Glendale AZ

Pigeon Control In Glendale AZ


Some folks call pigeons 'sky rats' - and for good reason. They are just plain nasty! The defecate constantly and actually nest on their own dead - and in their feces! It's common to find rotting carcasses, insects, bird mites and who knows what else where pigeons nest. Not a good visual!

Pigon control Glendale AZ has become an absolute must for many home and business owners in the Glendale Arizona area. The feral pigeon population has exploded over the past several years and shows no signs of slowing down. The problem isn't really with the pigeons themselves, though they do make some pretty awful noises. The real problem is with their poop. There's so much of it! And it just keeps coming.

There are several problems that pigeons cause, such as:

  • Their feces clogs up roof drainage, causing water to backup into places that the roof is not designed to handle.
  • Their feces also discolors roofing tiles and shingles and eventually degrades them.
  • It turns into a fine powder over time and then is breathed in by whomever inhabits the structure.
  • That dried feces harbors several different diseases, which can be transmitted to whomever breathes it.
  • Believe it of not, pigeons are attracted back to the scent of their mother's feces - for life!
  • The longer a pigeon population is allowed to live in any location, the larger the population becomes and the more committed the pigeons are to that location.

Simply put: the sooner you eradicate a pigeon problem, the easier and cheaper it will be. Why wait - the quote is free and the work is guaranteed. Reach out today!


DIY Bird Control
In Glendale AZ

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